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Activity Location
Activity Duration
Activity Participants
Ján Vozár, Jozef Madzin, and Lenka Ondrášová

The staff of the Department of Geomagnetism of the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ján Vozár, Jozef Madzin and Lenka Ondrášová, in cooperation with colleagues from the Luleå University of Technology and the Geophysical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences from 13.7.2021 to 12.8.2021 participated in magnetotelluric measurements in Swedish Lapland. 

Measurements in Sweden were carried out in a large area of approximately 10,000 km2. It was measured near the largest surface copper deposit in Sweden - Aitik, Boliden Mineral, and in the vicinity of the LKAB subsurface iron ore deposit in Malmberget.

Lapland is rocky and dotted with many swamps. Related to this is the occurrence of a large number of mosquitoes, which are unpleasant companions during the field work. The sparse population allowed a relatively even distribution of the measured points. Numerous forest roads have been used to access them, but some places remain inaccessible in the summer months. Measurements in these areas are likely to be carried out during the winter months due to better accessibility.


Contact Us

Project Leader: Maxim Smirnov


Phone: +46 (0)920 493588