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Activity Location
Activity Duration
Activity Participants
Maxim Smirnov, Oskar Rydman, Jirigalatu

At some swampy areas that are inaccessible in summer, we decided to to do MT measurements in spring, March 2022. The inaccessible areas become accessible because those areas are frozen and covered by deep snow. In most cases, the depth of snow is up to 75 cm.

Therefore, we rode snowmobile with a sledge to transport personnel and instrument to planed MT sites, which made it difficult to do many sites in a day. Because on the sledge, maximum three sets of MT instrument can be loaded.

The spacing for the measurements are around 5 km, but due to some challenges, in some areas, the measurements are a little denser, the spacing is around 1 ~ 2 km.  In total, so far, we have managed to measure 18 sites. The sites are scattered from the Mudus national park to the surrounding areas of Gällivare.

Besides, we also managed to do CSEM measurements close to Gällivare. The spacing is around 250 m.


Contact Us

Project Leader: Maxim Smirnov


Phone: +46 (0)920 493588